Cokerhurst Farm
Our Vision
Our development at Cokerhurst Farm will create a high-quality, sustainable development which reflects the identity and character of Wembdon, in line with the aspirations of the Neighborhood Plan group while reflecting planning policy.
The scheme will be well designed and landscaped to respect its surroundings while promoting community integration and creating strong links to the wider area.
Our hybrid planning application
Our planning application will be in two parts. We will be applying for full planning permission on the southern section of the site and, at the same time, outline planning permission for the primary school, neighbourhood centre and northern part of the site.
A mix of uses including residential, retail, green space and a two-form entry primary school
A distinctive and positive environment with high-quality of design, layout and use of appropriate materials to enhance the existing site qualities and develop a sense of place
Sensitive to historic landscape features
Clear green boundaries between the development and its edges – focusing on the A39
A network of walking and cycling routes encouraging sustainable travel within the site and to surrounding areas, including the countryside and existing facilities in Wembdon
Opportunities and facilities for local people and business
A development carefully designed to ensure excessive on-road parking is minimised
Of up to 675 homes, around 240 will be the detailed application
Sustainable urban drainage features to enhance the site and manage surface water